Kenya National Anthem: What Is It To Us?

What we ought to know but are never taught about

Kenya is blessed in ways we can’t fully express. The country is rich in resources, values, traditions and the people too. By virtue of the fact that we belong to the same geographical area, we are united. However, this isn’t all; the National Anthem too unites us.

Kenya National Anthem

We have grown up singing the national anthem since primary school. I bet most of us wouldn’t have learnt it were it not a requirement. This song we always sing while hoisting and lowering the flag is not just a song. It is a prayer and call for unity.

Kiswahili                           English
   1                                        1

Ee Mungu nguvu yetu               O God of all creation
 Ilete baraka kwetu                 Bless this our land and nation
Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi           Justice be our shield and defender
  Natukae na udugu                   May we dwell in unity
Amani na uhuru                    Peace and liberty
  Raha tupate na ustawi.            Plenty be found within our 

   2                                         2

Amkeni ndugu zetu                 Let one and all arise
  Tufanye sote bidii                With hearts both strong and true
Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu            Service be our earnest endeavour
  Nchi yetu ya Kenya                 And our homeland of Kenya
Tunayoipenda                      Heritage of splendour
  Tuwe tayari kuilinda              Firm may we stand to defend.

   3                                          3
Natujenge taifa letu              Let all with one accord
  Ee, ndio wajibu wetu              In common bond united
Kenya istahili heshima            Build this our nation together
  Tuungane mikono                   And the glory of Kenya
Pamoja kazini                     The fruit of our labour
  Kila siku tuwe na shukrani        Fill every heart with 


What Is In This Song?

The 18 lines contained in each anthem (English/Swahili) are full of values that are important to us as a country.

Justice, peace, unity, liberty, one accord, thanksgiving just to mention but a few are some of the values mentioned in the anthem.

Questions have been raised about the mastery of language by the composers. There are those who ask why the translation from English to Swahili doesn’t seem to make sense.

It doesn’t make sense because it shouldn’t make sense. The Swahili anthem isn’t a translation of the English one but a whole new song on its own.

Therefore, it is safe to say that we have two national anthems.

Kenya National Anthem Devotional.

Photo Credits,

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of meeting one woman so passionate about our country an the generations to come; Joyce Mwangi.

Her love for the national anthem has led her to publish a book titled “Kenya National Anthem Devotional”. This is a book packed with information about the values we are to derive from our national anthem but instead overlook.

Herein lies possible reasons for us to stop operating based on tribal biases but as a people of one accord.

We have a long way to go to achieve the unity we mention as we sing this anthem, but it is possible to attain it as long as we purpose to.

To get a copy of this book visit Amazon or

I wish you a thoughtful week, cheers!




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