Traveling Tips for the worlds most organized traveler


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These traveling tips will come in handy on your next trip. Not everyone was born a savvy traveler. For that reason, we often find ourselves missing out on almost all the fun stuff and enjoy only the bigger picture. Traveling without prior planning can ruin your whole experience. Simple planning could turn that around and give you a trip of a lifetime.

Here are some of the traveling tips for the worlds most organized traveler. If you are a first-time traveler, you are just about to make some mistakes that you may learn from to make your next trip better. But alas, am here to make sure you do not make a mistake that will cost your joy. I mean the purpose of a trip is to uplift your spirits right?

We are just a couple of weeks away from December and I know most nature lovers are putting up big plans on how they will travel the world. You are in that class that is why you are here in the first place. Tourists will be flocking Kenya which is the number one safari tourist destination. Kenyans will be planning on taking their kids to Disney land and the rest of the world but what we all share is the fact that we are all travelers.

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Regardless of your destination, the mistakes and errors made by travelers are common across the board. Being a pro traveler is a process born from hard-learned lessons of missed buses, foolish behavior, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny errors. Then after learning, one day, you begin to seamlessly move through airports and integrate yourself into new cultures like a fish to new water.

Best Travelling tips to make you an expert Traveller

With these traveling tips, I hope to help you guys not ruin your trips. I will speed up the process for you and tell you the mistakes you are prone to lest you make them yourselves and ay I never told you. Trust me by the time you are done, you will be a travel ninja. Let’s dive in

Buy a small backpack/suitcase

So you have packed all your stuff in a suitcase as if you will be pulling it all along even in the game parks. This is where you need a small backpack. It will allow you to pack the light stuff to move around with whilst your baggage is left in the hotel room. A high five for that idea, come on guys.

Pack light

Humans are funny. We are born with a tendency of liking to fill spaces. When you open up your suitcase, you probably won’t stop packing until it’s so packed that you can’t fit a USB charger. Please try to overcome that instinct and pack only what you will need for your trip.

Remember you are not moving out, you are simply going for a short trip and you will be back soon. The truth of the matter is that you do not need as many clothes as you think. If you can’t control your urge of wanting to pack even your sofa set, consider buying a small bag and pack it to the brim.

Never leave your Towel

Oh come on, why would I need a towel? My friends, you never know when you need a towel until you are at the beach, or on a picnic and you need something to dry off your skin.

Remember on your trip you will visit destinations where there will be no hotels so having a towel of your own will come in handy and it won’t add that much of weight to your backpack. It’s plain common sense so far that a towel is a key success for a galactic trip.

Read Also: The most evocative experience in Kenya

Take an extra bank card with you

You never know where disaster is waiting for you. You don’t want to travel all the way from Europe or US to find the disaster of your lifetime waiting for you with both hands on another continent. People get robbed; people lose their luggage and eventually end up stuck in the middle of nowhere until I come to your rescue. To avoid that though, have a duplicate of your card and freeze it then carry it around in your pocket as a backup for when disaster strikes and I am not available to help you.

Travel by yourself at least once

If your fiancé asked why you are not taking her/him with you on your vacation in Kenya please don’t mention my name. What I will tell you however is, traveling solo allows you to have some lone time. You are able to experience life from an independent perspective and just somehow you get to find yourself.

Well, sounds like some kind of a cliché but its unarguably true. Travel alone and you will learn to solve unfamiliar situations all by yourself. It’s like a test of how you can hold up without help from your loved ones. Plus hey, it’s a chance to be super selfish and do whatever you want so why not surprise yourself.

Get lost purposefully

I learned that one of the ways of knowing a place really well is through wandering aimlessly. If you really want some fun, get off the beaten path that every other tourist is following and experience the real world. Wander around and you will discover so much more you wouldn’t have found on the beaten path.

Real Also: List of Kenyan world class Beaches

Take extra socks

We are headed out to have fun, my guys. One thing to expect is wear and tear. Pack some extra socks for yourself because trust me you will need some. Plus you all know nothing beats a fresh pair of socks! Right?

It’s time to put your map reading skills into practice

Where are we headed with these traveling tips? did you ask That? then why on earth did we learn geography in school? One way you will make sure your school fees never went to waste is investing in a local map. Pulling out a map in a foreign country only confirms to the locals that you are new to the area.

But what is worse than getting lost and ending up in the wrong place which could be dangerous. Don’t shy off from using that map. People might also confuse you for a geologist pundit and that’s cool. Right? A map helps you to discover even new places that you didn’t know exist not mentioning they help you get to where you want to go.

Always have a USB charger.

Batteries die but your good mood shouldn’t.

Blend in with people

The earlier you realize that the place you are visiting is not heaven you will accept the fact that there are thieves and tons of people with wrong intentions. The best way of not attracting attention to your self is maintaining a low profile and blending with the people. Otherwise, you will be shouting, “Look at me, I’m a tourist with money! Rip me off!”

Read This: Interesting facts about Kenya

Make sure to use no-fee bank cards

Before we proceed to the next point, make sure you enjoy your money alone or with the company of your loved ones but not banks. Why would you give them your hard earned money? Always use a card that does not charge foreign transaction fees which are often pricey. On a long trip, you will notice the dollars that you have saved up that would have otherwise been taken by banks. Really banks?

Go out with the amount you need

A million dollar word or advice! NEVER carry more than $100 USD in cash in a foreign place. Limit the cash you carry along with you to avoid misuse of funds. If you are going out for drinks do not carry more than $50 USD in Kenya lest you will be drunk and start buying everyone a crate of beer each. Kenyans are such nice people that you won’t know how you spent your entire budget in one night.

Carry a Padlock with you

Hey, before you swing that padlock on someone’s nose, it’s meant to lock the zips of your suitcase. Do not trust those hotels so much. If you leave your luggage in a hotel room that will be cleaned by several housekeepers, it’s only safe to keep your suitcase hack proof. Preferably buy a padlock with a combination lock else you will have so much fun and lose your keys then say my idea was terrible.

Carry copies of your important documents and passport

When you are out there, a lot of things can happen and all sorts of documentation may be required. For that reason, make copies of your important documents and carry them with you. Also, remember to email them to yourself so you have soft copies in case you lose your things.

Pre-book your tickets to attractions

We are headed to December and these are traveling tips you will appreciate. Thousands of tourists will be flocking the Maasai Mara and all lounges will be fully booked a month prior. Many major attractions in Kenya allow you to reserve your spot and skip the line. Always look online to see if this is an option.

Learn some foreign Language

I am not asking you to enroll for a Swahili class. Nope, I am asking that you take interest in learning some few friendly phrases of the native language like “Jambo” “nikununulie Mutura?” Be sure to use this phrase in Kenya and you will be elected president?

Related: What is Kenya Known For?

Anyway make sure you learn some basic phrases like saying thank you, goodbye, and Hello in a native language. This way, you will go a long way to endearing yourself with the locals. They’ll like that you tried.

Read some history

The only way to understand a place well is by going back in time. That way, you will find a better understanding of the present state of the place. Look up your destination and learn a few things so you can understand the significance of what you find there.

Lunchtime is the best time to visit historical sites.

If you visit an attraction during peak hours, you may not even enjoy the experience due to the large crowds. Be a contrarian and visit when people are not visiting so you can have the whole place all for yourself. Lunch hours, early morning or late evening are the best times to visit a place.

Never eat near a tourist attraction

I told you to blend with the locals and act like one. Eat out areas near tourist attraction site are overly expensive and they are often crowded with tourists so the service is not always the best. Going a few blocks away you may find a local joint where you can try out different dishes at a fair price and decent service.

Local people don’t eat out every night and neither should you

If you are in a camp or your hotel offers a guest kitchen, it should be time for you to experience local markets, and buy groceries. Not only will you save a lot of money on hotel food, but you will also be surprised at how fresh local produce can be. This is something you will not regret!

Pack a flashlight.

The last thing you want is running into another person in the dark and the next thing you know your noses are bleeding and you are all screaming. Save yourself with a flashlight that will help you see other people at night and to avoid stepping on stuff. Kenyan streets are not the most lit streets so a flashlight will be handy especially for you guys out there who believe in ghosts’ ha-ha…grow up guys.

Carry a basic first-aid kit.

It’s hard to have an entire vacation without minor bruises so you better be prepared for that. In your first aid kit, pack some ointments for bruises, antibacterial cream, and some bandages. Painful fun Huh!

Befriend strangers

Everyone is the same. Just say Hi to someone, people do not bite. Just like you, people have dreams and hopes of living a happy life. You never know, you might make some of your best friends while on a vacation.

Take pictures of your luggage

Ones you have packed up and loaded your boot and headed to the airport, just pose a little and take some photos of your luggage. The pictures come in handy during identification when your luggage gets lost.

Keep your guts up

Most people are nice but some really do bite. You should keep your healthy suspicion level on standby to avoid trouble with people who have bad intentions with you.

Try the local food

Ugali, a Kenyan staple food

I always tell people, if you visit a place and never experienced their cuisine, you are missing out. A fair share of excitement comes from eating what those people live on. Do not ask what it is! Put it in your mouth and if it doesn’t kill you, well then it’s good for you.

Carry your own water

Carrying your water bottle helps to avoid littering since you fill your bottle from the tap. It will also save you money for you don’t have to buy water on the streets that you are not even sure about.

Buy some good shoes

Those legs of yours have taken you to amazing places around the world so do not take advantage of them. Buy them comfortable shoes for your trip so they don’t get beat up by long walking hours and rugged terrains.

Carry some emergency cash

Emergencies do happen and some liquid cash comes in handy here. The last thing you want is to be stranded because you have no cash and you cannot find an ATM machine anywhere around that area.

Get vaccinated

This is of absolute importance and I won’t joke about it. Many countries require you to be vaccinated before visiting so make sure you do. Otherwise, you may fall prey to an illness in a foreign country and be deported looking like a battered pizza.

Carry a warm jacket

Nights get chilly pals

Eat street food!

Street foods are a great way of experiencing the culture. If you are scared about the food, look for a place where kids are eating street food and that is a perfect and safe spot for you. Come to Kenya and never leave without eating Mutura, Smokie pasua, chipo mwitu and all sorts of concussions you get.

Be respectful

Kenyans are very friendly and willing to help when need be. However, since you don’t speak in their native language, learn to be patient if there is a language barrier. If something does not go your way, keep your cool coz you are in a foreign land where anything can happen.

Don’t over plan your trip

The best vacation you will have is one that unfolds naturally. Do not try and fit hundreds of to do things on your schedule. As a rule of thumb, commit yourself to three things and let the rest of the day dictate the rest.

Take earplugs or earphones

Snorers are everywhere!!

Take photos with the people

Take as many photos with the native you meet along your vacation. Years from now, you will still have fresh memories of your experience and lots of stories to tell your grandchildren. The local people do a great deal of making the experience memorable.

Friends at Hells Gate in Kenya

Wear sunscreen

My white friends, Kenya can really get hot at times and we do not want you to go back home looking like Kenyans fried your faces. If I could offer you only one tip for the trip, sunscreen would be it.

Have a blast in your next Trip. I hope the traveling tips were helpful. If Kenya is your chosen destination, make sure you ask around for me, you never know.

Luya Editor
Luya Editor
Main Luya Editor is a knowledgable writer who takes pride in checking and publishing articles on

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