Government Introduces Welfare Scheme To Aid Housing For Low-Income Families


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The ongoing debate over the housing levy in Kenya has sparked controversy among citizens.

However, it is important to note that social housing for those living in informal settlements is the responsibility of the government, not salaried Kenyans.

As one citizen put it, “You cannot force people to be charitable.

You cannot force people to save either.” The government must take responsibility for providing affordable housing without taxing working Kenyans.

The issues affecting the poor are numerous and require a concerted effort from both the government and citizens to manage their needs.

Unfortunately, the housing levy seems discriminatory towards rural people and those who are self-employed.

Furthermore, due to bribery, workers who saved in pension schemes continue to struggle to access their savings after they retire.

This raises concerns about whether or not the government can handle financial prudence when it comes to implementing such a scheme.

Singapore is being used as a model by the current government to eradicate slums in Kenya.

However, Singapore is also known for dealing with corrupt officials ruthlessly.

If Kenya truly wants to follow Singapore’s example of economic success, then it must deal with corruption mercilessly and adopt an anti-corruption policy like Singapore’s.

Creating a welfare scheme where issues related to public healthcare, social housing, education and basic living allowance can be addressed under one roof would be more effective than separate taxation for each issue.

A transparent and ethical welfare system should take people out of poverty and improve the standard of living for all Kenyans regardless of class or creed.

In conclusion, if politicians truly want to help the poor in Kenya, they must create a welfare system that benefits every citizen while showing political willpower against corruption.

It is time for Kenya to address its social problems holistically rather than picking and choosing those with financial benefits for corrupt individuals.

Luya Editor
Luya Editor
Main Luya Editor is a knowledgable writer who takes pride in checking and publishing articles on

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