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Nairobi Senator Promises Support For Toi Market Traders After Fire Outbreak

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has promised to assist traders in Toi market after a fire destroyed their businesses.

The governor took to Twitter to express his sympathy for the affected traders and announced that the Nairobi County Government had organised food and material support for them.

He also pledged to focus on access roads into the market, which would help emergency vehicles move easily when needed.

The fire, which started on Sunday at around 2 am, razed down properties worth millions of shillings.

Residents suspect that it could have been caused by an electrical fault.

Governor Sakaja said he would take up the matter with engineers before providing funding and coming up with a clear and sustainable solution for the safety of Nairobi residents.

Governor Sakaja urged other leaders in Kenya to emulate his example of being close to his people and picking up on their issues.

He commended Nairobi ‘Governor’ Mike Sonko for committing to ensuring that affected traders have alternative structures in the market within 14 days.

However, Governor Sakaja warned against playing the victim and revealed that he had mobilised resources to help those affected by the fire. “We must all come together as leaders and work towards finding solutions instead of pointing fingers,” he said.

The Toi market fire is just one of many incidents that have highlighted the need for better disaster preparedness measures in Kenya.

As such, it is important for leaders like Governor Sakaja to step up and provide much-needed assistance during times of crisis.

Simon Mwangi
Simon Mwangi is a finance expert and talented freelance writer with a background in banking and accounting. He simplifies complex financial concepts and produces top-quality content on various topics. Follow him on Linkedin to stay up-to-date on his work and connect with him.

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