High paying online writing jobs in Kenya (Updated 2024)


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It’s undeniable that many Kenyans possess exceptional writing skills, making them natural-born writers. In this article, we’ll explore some avenues where these talented individuals can find online writing jobs in Kenya.

As the employment landscape becomes increasingly challenging with each passing graduation ceremony, exploring alternative career paths becomes crucial. Fortunately, the digital age has opened up numerous opportunities for freelance writers to thrive online.

Several websites and platforms cater specifically to connecting writers with potential clients and job opportunities. These platforms often offer diverse writing assignments, from blog posts and articles to copywriting and creative content.

But there is always hope around the corner; in these internet times, there is an increase in the number of people working online in Kenya. Many of these people work online by doing writing jobs online in Kenya.

The Internet is rich with self-employment ideas for writers, but not all can be trusted. If you do a generic search on Google, I am sure there are plenty of options that you will find. 

So how do you find legitimate jobs from scams and get online writing jobs in Kenya? Read on.

Everybody is now working online in Kenya, will there be any jobs left for me? That is a ubiquitous question for people starting and looking for writing jobs online in Kenya.

I will tell you this for sure; there are enough jobs online that Kenyans and anybody worldwide can do. The Internet is always full of opportunities and depends on where you look.

Online Writing Jobs in Kenya

Before we go deeper into where to find writing jobs online, let me give you the Advantages and Disadvantages of online writing jobs in Kenya.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Writing Jobs

To earn by writing online, you must be able to differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business or work; the key to success is to never think about the problems but the solutions.

Advantages of writing jobs online in Kenya

  • You can set your work schedule, which gives you more writing pleasure.
  • You get paid in foreign currencies; you know how high that is compared to our current currency, especially if the pay is in dollars or pounds.
  • Work anywhere (home, office, café, hotel, beach, pool) with a computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
  • You are your motivation, and you decide when to push harder or relax.
  • You get your money Tax free

Online Writing Jobs Disadvantages

  • After writing a lot about a particular subject, creativity breaks and may harm the quality and productivity of your work.
  • You must manage your money effectively; you may have months with solid revenue and months without income. In freelancing, we call them High and low seasons.
  • When there is no electricity or the Internet will translate to you not working and, therefore, no pay.
  • Earn after work

If you compare the advantages and disadvantages, there is more on the positive than the opposing side. So instead of staying at home without employment, get ready to learn more about how to find these golden opportunities.

Finding Online Writing Jobs in Kenya

Let me warn you, finding High-Paying Online Jobs in Kenya is a tiresome process and will need some hard work and long periods of searching online for writing job opportunities.

But do not worry, for we have got you covered, and there is a solution to this, Keep Reading.

The freelance writing challenge is often less writing and more difficulty finding well-paying jobs, especially with the recent changes in the publishing industry and excess website writing. Many do not pay a lot for articles, but there are high-paying online jobs for Kenyans out there, however, and with research and persistence, you can find them.

Every Writer started somewhere. Try your hand at freelance writing.

Things You’ll Need to get started online:

  • Internet connection
  • Research skills

Freelance Writing Jobs in Kenya

Here is the typical old way of looking for online jobs in Kenya;

  • Find the online sites listing the types of jobs you seek. This is much easier said than done. There are a lot of useless sites out there. You can search for terms like “freelance jobs” and “freelance writing” or start your search using the resources others have gathered. Better yet, check out my Ebook of a list of High paying writing Jobs in Kenya.
  • Network. There is a common phrase in Kenya when it comes to finding jobs; “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” The phrase is also relevant for freelance writing jobs in Kenya, as in many other careers. Some of the best freelance jobs are not advertised; They are filled by word of mouth. Join forums, join groups on social media, chat with other writers, send messages to successful online writers, and ask them for tips.
  • Visit online websites that publish books and magazines. Look for a link that says something like “submission guidelines.” Print magazines and books typically pay higher than freelancing companies online. These jobs are harder to get, but it’s worth the effort. Spend some time browsing blogs. It has some writing clips available to show these editors.
  • Sign up for free newsletters. Some freelance writing sites offer free newsletters. Create an email account just for newsletters and sign up for that, including job postings. You can always cancel if you do not find them helpful.
  • Consider paying for legitimate information. Be careful and use common sense. There are a lot of scams out there, primarily online. In general, you should not pay for job leads, but there are some legitimate resources out there that you can access for a fee. A well-known, trusted source is Writer’s Market, published by Writer’s Digest Books. You can buy the Book or get an online membership to keep up.
  • Do not give up; You can answer several job offers for every one you get there first. Do not be discouraged, and do not give up. Rejection is a normal part of writing. Read magazines about writing life; you will learn this happened to many of the best writers.

Now, please tell me if that process is easy. Do You want to earn more money? Then you have to sweat and work hard to earn more.

But since you are reading this, you are one lucky person; instead of working harder, we will work smarter; how?

By using the resources in my Book, I have already taken care of the process, and all you have to do is get the Book and visit the sites mentioned, sign up, and start earning. A piece of cake, Huh!

Types of Online Writing Jobs in Kenya

Have you ever browsed and read some blogs searching for resources for finding the latest online writing jobs in Kenya? If you do, you will realize the standard answer about online writing jobs in Kenya.

I must admit that the information is very valid; that is where many Kenyans work online. The pay is not good, You will earn peanuts, but do you have a choice?

You must know that there are different types of writing jobs online, and these include:

  1. Article Writing Jobs
  2. Academic Writing Jobs
  3. Blogging (Where you write for a particular blog differs from article writing and is more of a Virtual Administration job.)

Where to find these jobs.

Most places to find these jobs are on Freelancing sites; to find work as a freelancer – even on these platforms – you must stand out among thousands of candidates.

These platforms have in common that registration is free, and you will be charged a small commission for every “contract” entered into.

1. iWriter

There is no Kenyan who works online who does not know about Writer; this is because, on Writer, you do not need to bid to get a work. All you do is register, and writing work is available. You have to write.

Many writing opportunities exist, but you must write according to the requester’s style. Original content is critical, and they can terminate your account anytime if you get low ratings. The pay ranges from as low as $ 1.25 per article.

2. Upwork

Formerly Elance-oDesk was one of the largest Freelancing sites in the world; Upwork has nine million registered freelancers and four million registered clients. Many jobs are posted daily, and many Kenyans work here.

3. Freelancer

Freelancer is another of the largest freelancing site in the world. The international version of this platform has over 8 million users worldwide and is available in more than 200 countries.
Like other platforms, registration of freelancers is free. Only after completion of the work will you be charged a percentage of the amount billed. This platform is filled with many Asian workers who compete for the same positions as other Kenyans.

4. Elance

It’s undeniable that many Kenyans possess exceptional writing skills, making them natural-born writers. In this article, we’ll explore some avenues where these talented individuals can find online writing jobs in Kenya.

As the employment landscape becomes increasingly challenging with each passing graduation ceremony, exploring alternative career paths becomes crucial. Fortunately, the digital age has opened up numerous opportunities for freelance writers to thrive online.

Several websites and platforms cater specifically to connecting writers with potential clients and job opportunities. These platforms often offer diverse writing assignments, from blog posts and articles to copywriting and creative content.

5. Guru

With over 8000 deals available, Guru is assumed as one of the largest freelance work platforms. The site is popular in Asian-speaking countries, with very few Kenyans working on it. The site charges the “gurus” (freelancers) a commission ranging between 5 and 10%.
  1. People per Hour
Despite being one of the youngest on this list, the popularity of People per Hour (released in 2008) is not far behind the others. If you want to work as a freelancer in Writing, Computer Programming, Graphic Design, Sales and Marketing, or Social Media, this may be your ideal platform.

7. Fiverr

Considered one of the largest platforms for exchanging services, Fiverr has more than 3 million “gigs” – Everything here goes for $ 5, nothing more, nothing less, but be sure you will be charged a commission for every Gig offered.
8. Write for a Local Client
Many people here in Kenya are looking for articles, depending on where you can find them. Try contacting blogs like mine or join Facebook groups related to Online writing.


The above are examples of places where you will be sent to look for work when searching for online writing jobs in Kenya. Many people will be discouraged by the little pay you get writing on these sites. I researched and interviewed some people on where to get High-paying online writing jobs that any Kenyan can work and make a nice income online.
Philemon Shisia
Philemon Shisia
Philemon is a talented published author who contributes to the LUYA blog, showcasing their passion for content creation through writing articles. Their enthusiasm spans across a wide spectrum of topics, demonstrating their versatility and dedication to delivering engaging and informative content. With their expertise in crafting articles, Philemon captivates readers with well-crafted and thought-provoking pieces.

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