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Opposition Arises Against Transfer Of Leather Tanning Equipment From Kisumu To Narok

The transfer of leather tanning equipment from Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) Kisumu to Ewaso Ng’iro South Development Authority (ENSDA) Narok has caused anxiety among the people of Kisumu.

KIRDI Director General Calvin Onyango says that they have taken over the matter with their parent Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry so that the transfer should be reversed. “We have informed our bosses, that is the Cabinet Secretary and Principal Secretary that the equipment are being actively used in Kisumu,” he said.

Onyango noted that the leather processing equipment is currently being used by five Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) within the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB).

He argued that the MSMEs will be greatly disadvantaged if the equipment is relocated elsewhere noting that they are using it to add value to hide and skins to produce leather. “We have a leather goods unit here, which is used to produce different leather products like belts, shoes, and bags,” he said. “The equipment is here to stay, and we will expand it to offer many opportunities to locals,” assured Onyango while speaking to the press in Kisumu on Friday at the KIDRI Centre along Kibos Road.

He also noted that technical advice from KIDRI will issue to the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry will have the decision reversed.

One of the reasons why the equipment was supposed to be moved to Narok was because it is underutilized, a statement downplayed by KIRDI. “We are in communication and discussion with the County Government of Kisumu actually look for new opportunities on how we can utilize these equipment to improve value addition to hide and skin,” said Onyango.

Kisumu County Committee Executive Member for Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, and Fisheries Kenneth Onyango says that KIDRI has been instrumental in offering incubation centers for MSMEs who, in turn, use the knowledge to expand and prosper in their businesses. “I am happy the DG has assured us that the equipment is here to stay, now I want to call upon our people to use this institution as a talent development in many fields,” he said.

The Ministry of Industry and Enterprise Development constructed the leather tanning and processing industry at KIRDI in Kisumu at a cost of Sh. 1.9 billion in 2016.

The Kenya Kwanza Government has prioritized leather sector development as an economic transformation agenda.

Riding on the State’s agenda, the Department of Livestock is implementing the plan through enhancing collection, preservation, and delivery of hides and skins to tanneries.

The State Department of Livestock has identified ENSDA in Narok as the focal point for supporting the government’s plan by processing delivered hides and skins, thus calling for relocation of equipment.

Simon Mwangi
Simon Mwangi is a finance expert and talented freelance writer with a background in banking and accounting. He simplifies complex financial concepts and produces top-quality content on various topics. Follow him on Linkedin to stay up-to-date on his work and connect with him.

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